Koons Annapolis Toyota

Aug 2, 2021

Bikers on a nature trail

If you’re looking for somewhere to go biking, then Annapolis, MD is a great place to begin. There are lots of municipal bike trails in the city itself, while outside you’ll find lots of exciting mountain bike paths to explore. So strap on your helmet and get ready for a day on these fantastic trails.

4 of the Best Bike Paths and Biking Trails in And Around Annapolis, MD

1. Poplar Avenue Trail

The Poplar Avenue Trail, sometimes just called the Poplar Trail, is nearly a mile long and is an urban trail in the heart of the city. It’s paved along its entire length, and follows the route of the old Washington, Baltimore, and Annapolis Right of Way; it’s still an important route connecting residential areas with schools, athletics fields, and a library. There are proposals to extend the trail along the same route to connect with the planned South Shore Trail, which will bring the total distance to over 10 miles.

2. Broadneck Peninsula Trail

Situated in East Annapolis, the Broadneck Peninsula Trail is a 1.2 mile stretch of asphalt that roughly follows the College Parkway. It starts by Green Holly Drive, and terminated near Old Cape St. Clair Road, with several spurs that reach out to both Broadneck Library and Walnut Ridge Drive. There’s an extension planned to this route too, with this one expected to connect to the much longer Baltimore and Annapolis Trail.

3. Baltimore and Annapolis Trail

So far, the trails we’ve mentioned here have been fairly short, but where to go if you’re looking for a longer ride? No list of trails in the Annapolis area would be complete without a mention of the mighty Baltimore and Annapolis Trail, which, as the name suggests, provides a direct cycle route connection. There’s more to this trail than just the picturesque trees and landscape: this route is also steeped in history. It follows the route of an old railroad, the Baltimore and Annapolis Short Line, which carried freight and passengers along the coast from 1880.

If you have even a passing interest in the history of the area, it’s also worth taking the time to stop and read the 26 alphabetical signs that each provide information on a particular feature of the trail. The trailheads are located past the Severn River, off US 50; find the Baltimore end near West Central Avenue.

4. Waterworks Park Mountain Bike Trails

If you’re looking for a little more of an adrenaline rush, then try Waterworks Park, a large recreation area that includes over 11 miles of trails, thanks to the heroic efforts of the Mid-Atlantic Off-Road Enthusiasts volunteers. In addition, you can also connect to other mountain bike trails by following a connector up to Bacon Ridge, a fantastic trail system in its own right.

These are just a few of the fantastic trails to discover in the area, any of which make for a fantastic ride. You’ll need a great car to get you there though, so visit us at Koons Annapolis Toyota today!

Image courtesy of Pexels